多益聽力|【Part 2應答問題】題型解析與考情趨勢 #多益課程 #多益補習班 #多益成績單怎麼看

多益聽力|【Part 2應答問題】題型解析與考情趨勢

Tel︰ (02) 2365-3288

多益聽力測驗Part 2為「應答問題 Question-Response」,共25題,題本編號從第7-31題。

新TOEIC考試Part 2取消了例題的讀題時間,也就是說目前整個聽力測驗部分,只有PART 1照片描述題保留了example的閱讀時間,其餘各部分均在簡單讀完題目要求後直接進入主題,所有題目均唯讀一次。大家一定要特別注意,以免第7題開始就錯過聽力內容。

Part 2的容錯率對於志在金色證書(860分以上)的同學而言,這部分最多只能錯5題,如果錯6題以上,就說明共25題的題數已經錯了至少1/4,顯然這部分是不合格的。且聽力測驗越到後面,越難拿分。

Part 2向來也是聽力測驗中較為簡單的一部分,因為Part 2是整個考試中唯一3選1的題目,也是唯一題目跟選項完全要靠聽力來作答的題目,題本上完全沒有任何的提示。

整體而言,Part 2在改制後,雖然題數有減少,但整體難度有明顯提升,主要有以下幾個方向,需要在備考時特別注意:


1. 一般疑問句,答案如果有「是或否(Yes / No)」的回答,後面的描述85%可能都不對

2. WH疑問句的回答越來越不直接。WH疑問句一方面出題的比例變高,另一方面,在回答是A還是B的時候,目前的正確答案傾向於:弦外之音


另一種導向是詢問他人(即自己不知道)。大家都應該瞭解在PART 2,任何I don’t know都是萬能答案,可以回答一切問題。只不過目前I don’t know答案隱藏的很深,包括I am not sure這種非常明顯的答案都不存在了。




1. WH疑問句只要聽到「是或否」回答可以刪除

2. 疑問句出現過的字,選項中一模一樣再出現一次,有90%以上是錯誤的,考察的是同一個單字的不同詞性或不同字義的區分,例如change可當動詞、也可當名詞。

3. 對比第2點,一模一樣即使不出現,也會出現近似字,有可能是同字根的不同詞性,比如一個動詞、一個名詞,也可能是2個完全不同的字,因為拼法接近,導致發音極為接近。

最後需要特別注意的是,Part 2出現高難度的名詞單字的可能性很小,所以重點在於聽的時候,第一時間就必須聽清楚疑問詞,把握住句式和語氣,最起碼要把疑問句和陳述句聽出來,最好能把一般疑問句和否定疑問句的區別聽出來(does和doesn’t),否則會影響答案的選擇。另外,要做到果斷選擇,因為Part 2的節奏是很快的,每個題目讀完基本就是數到3以內必須選出來,若有片刻猶豫,下一題就漏聽了前半部分,那麼很可能會造成連鎖錯誤。

Line︰ https://lin.ee/WHyrhZW
Tel︰ (02) 2365-3288
官網︰ https://www.foremostedu.com
臉書︰ https://www.facebook.com/foremostedu.tw
頻道︰ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCK1VYWnJRUhoyWQ2Wid65fw
Map︰ https://goo.gl/maps/ouse7TF8XQ5thnaj8
ig︰      https://www.instagram.com/foremost.english/
















#多益課程 #多益補習班 #多益成績單怎麼看 #雅思課程 #雅思補習班 #雅思聽力技巧 #雅思準備多久 #托福課程 #托福補習班 #單字量測驗

萌萌細毛憶當年 又回到青春的甜蜜! 新莊接睫毛植睫毛上新妝說妳美美 妝點美麗 美麗又到位~小姐想要變的很萌很有精神,不得不佩服! 妝點美麗接睫毛的技術~讚歎
● 預約洽詢 0915-551807 LineID:pollynineteen
愛的鼓勵,讚一下咩! 喜歡的水水們~請幫忙分享喲^^
痞客邦: http://pollynineteen2.pixnet.net/blog

多益聽力|【Part 1照片描述】題型解析與考情趨勢 #多益課程 #多益補習班 #多益成績單怎麼看


Tel︰ (02) 2365-3288

多益聽力測驗的Part 1為「照片描述 Photographs」,共6題。在答案卡上的題號為1-6。













至於現在進行式的被動語態(be being done),存在某物正在被怎麼做,就必須要存在施動物體,原則上一定得是人,因此基本上也都是錯的,只有在表示狀態時sth. is/are being displayed這種情況是正確答案。而在目前的正式考試中,「某物正在被陳列著」成為正確答案的機率已出現多次,需要特別注意。

【Part 1綜合分析】
Part 1整體難度不大,2018改制後的題數減少,然而「照片描述題」仍舊保留,沒有全數刪除的意義在於【


Line︰ https://lin.ee/WHyrhZW
Tel︰ (02) 2365-3288
官網︰ https://www.foremostedu.com
臉書︰ https://www.facebook.com/foremostedu.tw
頻道︰ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCK1VYWnJRUhoyWQ2Wid65fw
Map︰ https://goo.gl/maps/ouse7TF8XQ5thnaj8
ig︰      https://www.instagram.com/foremost.english/















#多益課程 #多益補習班 #多益成績單怎麼看 #雅思課程 #雅思補習班 #雅思聽力技巧 #雅思準備多久

多益聽力|【Part 1照片描述】題型解析與考情趨勢 #多益課程 #多益補習班 #多益成績單怎麼看


Tel︰ (02) 2365-3288

多益聽力測驗的Part 1為「照片描述 Photographs」,共6題。在答案卡上的題號為1-6。













至於現在進行式的被動語態(be being done),存在某物正在被怎麼做,就必須要存在施動物體,原則上一定得是人,因此基本上也都是錯的,只有在表示狀態時sth. is/are being displayed這種情況是正確答案。而在目前的正式考試中,「某物正在被陳列著」成為正確答案的機率已出現多次,需要特別注意。

【Part 1綜合分析】
Part 1整體難度不大,2018改制後的題數減少,然而「照片描述題」仍舊保留,沒有全數刪除的意義在於【


Line︰ https://lin.ee/WHyrhZW
Tel︰ (02) 2365-3288
官網︰ https://www.foremostedu.com
臉書︰ https://www.facebook.com/foremostedu.tw
頻道︰ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCK1VYWnJRUhoyWQ2Wid65fw
Map︰ https://goo.gl/maps/ouse7TF8XQ5thnaj8
ig︰      https://www.instagram.com/foremost.english/















#多益課程 #多益補習班 #多益成績單怎麼看 #雅思課程 #雅思補習班 #雅思聽力技巧 #雅思準備多久

萌萌細毛憶當年 又回到青春的甜蜜! 新莊接睫毛植睫毛上新妝說妳美美 妝點美麗 美麗又到位~小姐想要變的很萌很有精神,不得不佩服! 妝點美麗接睫毛的技術~讚歎
● 預約洽詢 0915-551807 LineID:pollynineteen
愛的鼓勵,讚一下咩! 喜歡的水水們~請幫忙分享喲^^
痞客邦: http://pollynineteen2.pixnet.net/blog

美國TOP50大學2021年入學Essay總整理(1-14) #雅思課程介紹 #雅思基礎文法 #雅思口說題庫


Tel︰ (02) 2365-3288



美國大學, 美國大學申請, 申請美國大學資料, TOEFL, 托福, 托福備考, 托福資料, 托福考試技巧

Rather than asking you to write one long essay, the MIT application consists of several short response questions and essays designed to help us get to know you. Remember that this is not a writing test. Be honest, be open, be authentic—this is your opportunity to connect with us.

You should certainly be thoughtful about your essays, but if you’re thinking too much—spending a lot of time stressing or strategizing about what makes you “look best,” as opposed to the answers that are honest and easy—you’re doing it wrong.

Our questions

For the 2020–2021 application year, we’re asking these short answer essay questions:

We know you lead a busy life, full of activities, many of which are required of you. Tell us about something you do simply for the pleasure of it. (100 words or fewer)

Although you may not yet know what you want to major in, which department or program at MIT appeals to you and why? (100 words or fewer)


At MIT, we bring people together to better the lives of others. MIT students work to improve their communities in different ways, from tackling the world’s biggest challenges to being a good friend. Describe one way in which you have contributed to your community, whether in your family, the classroom, your neighborhood, etc. (200-250 words)

Describe the world you come from; for example, your family, clubs, school, community, city, or town. How has that world shaped your dreams and aspirations? (200-250 words)

Tell us about the most significant challenge you’ve faced or something important that didn’t go according to plan. How did you manage the situation? (200-250 words)

There is also one final, open-ended additional information text box, where you can tell us anything else you think we really ought to know.

美國大學, 美國大學申請, 申請美國大學資料, TOEFL, 托福, 托福備考, 托福資料, 托福考試技巧

Short Answer Questions Applicants submitting the Coalition Application, Common Application, or Quest Bridge Application will respond to the following short answer questions:
Students at Yale have plenty of time to explore their academic interests before committing to one or more major fields of study. Many students either modify their original academic direction or change their minds entirely. As of this moment, what academic areas seem to fit your interests or goals most comfortably? Please indicate up to three from the list provided. Why do these areas appeal to you? (125 words or fewer)

What is it about Yale that has led you to apply? (125 words or fewer)

Applicants applying with the Quest Bridge Application will complete the questions above via the Yale Quest Bridge Questionnaire, available on the Yale Admissions Status Portal after an application has been received.

Applicants submitting the Coalition Application or Common Application will also respond to the following short answer questions, in no more than 200 characters (approximately 35 words):

What inspires you? Yale’s residential colleges regularly host conversations with guests representing a wide range of experiences and accomplishments. What person, past or present, would you invite to speak? What question would you ask? You are teaching a Yale course. What is it called? Most first-year Yale students live in suites of four to six students. What do you hope to add to your suitemates’ experience? What do you hope they will add to yours?


Applicants submitting the Coalition Application or Common Application: use the two short essays (250 words or fewer) below to reflect on topics and personal experiences that will help the Admissions Committee learn more about you. 

1. Yale’s extensive course offerings and vibrant conversations beyond the classroom encourage students to follow their developing intellectual interests wherever they lead. Tell us about your engagement with a topic or idea that excites you. Why are you drawn to it?

2. Respond to one of the following prompts:2A. Reflect on your membership in a community. Why is your involvement important to you? How has it shaped you?  You may define community however you like.
2B. Yale students, faculty, and alumni engage issues of local, national, and international significance. Discuss an issue that is important to you and how your college experience could help you address it.
2C. Tell us about your relationship with a role model or mentor who has been influential in your life. How has their guidance been instrumental to your growth?

Applicants submitting the Coalition Application: In addition to responding to the prompts above, upload an audio file, video, image, or document you have created. The upload should complement your response to one of the prompts. Above your response, include a one-sentence description of your upload. Please limit uploads to the following file types: mp3, mov, jpeg, word, pdf. Advanced editing is not necessary. Uploads provided via the Coalition Application will be reviewed by the Admissions Office only. Review the supplementary material instructions for material that may be evaluated by Yale faculty. 

Engineering Essay

Applicants submitting the Coalition Application or Common Application who select one of Yale’s engineering majors will also respond to the prompt below in 250 words or fewer:

Please tell us more about what has led you to an interest in this field of study, what experiences (if any) you have had in engineering, and what it is about Yale’s engineering program that appeals to you.

How does the University of Chicago, as you know it now, satisfy your desire for a particular kind of learning, community, and future? Please address with some specificity your own wishes and how they relate to UChicago.


1.Who does Sally sell her seashells to? How much wood can a woodchuck really chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? Pick a favorite tongue twister (either originally in English or translated from another language) and consider a resolution to its conundrum using the method of your choice. Math, philosophy, linguistics… it’s all up to you (or your woodchuck).

2.What can actually be divided by zero?

3.The seven liberal arts in antiquity consisted of the Quadrivium — astronomy, mathematics, geometry, and music — and the Trivium — rhetoric, grammar, and logic. Describe your own take on the Quadrivium or the Trivium. What do you think is essential for everyone to know?

4.Subway maps, evolutionary trees, Lewis diagrams. Each of these schematics tells the relationships and stories of their component parts. Reimagine a map, diagram, or chart. If your work is largely or exclusively visual, please include a cartographer’s key of at least 300 words to help us best understand your creation.

5.”Do you feel lucky? Well, do ya, punk?” – Eleanor Roosevelt. Misattribute a famous quote and explore the implications of doing so.

6.Engineer George de Mestral got frustrated with burrs stuck to his dog’s fur and applied the same mechanic to create Velcro. Scientist Percy Lebaron Spencer found a melted chocolate bar in his magnetron lab and discovered microwave cooking. Dye-works owner Jean Baptiste Jolly found his tablecloth clean after a kerosene lamp was knocked over on it, consequently shaping the future of dry cleaning. Describe a creative or interesting solution, and then find the problem that it solves.

7.In the spirit of adventurous inquiry (and with the encouragement of one of our current students!) choose one of our past prompts (or create a question of your own). Be original, creative, thought provoking. Draw on your best qualities as a writer, thinker, visionary, social critic, sage, citizen of the world, or future citizen of the University of Chicago; take a little risk, and have fun!

Please share with us why you consider Duke a good match for you. Is there something in particular about Duke’s academic or other offerings that attract you?

1.Duke University seeks a talented, engaged student body that embodies the wide range of human experience; we believe that the diversity of our students makes our community stronger. If you’d like to share a perspective you bring or experiences you’ve had that would help us understand you better, perhaps a community you belong to or your family or cultural background, we encourage you to do so here. Real people are reading your application, and we want to do our best to understand and appreciate the real people applying to Duke.

2.Duke’s commitment to diversity and inclusion includes sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression. If you would like to share with us more about your identity, you can do so here, or use any previous essay prompt you feel is appropriate.

Successful students at Johns Hopkins make the biggest impact by collaborating with others, including peers, mentors, and professors. Talk about a time, in or outside the classroom, when you worked with others and what you learned from the experience.

1.Brown’s Open Curriculum allows students to explore broadly while also diving deeply into their academic pursuits. Tell us about an academic interest (or interests) that excites you, and how you might use the Open Curriculum to pursue it. (250 words)

2.At Brown, you will learn as much from your peers outside the classroom as in academic spaces. How will you contribute to the Brown community? (250 words)3.Tell us about a place or community you call home. How has it shaped your perspective? (250 words)


College of Agriculture and Life Sciences:

Why are you drawn to studying the major you have selected? 
Please discuss how your interests and related experiences have influenced your choice. Specifically, how will an education from the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (CALS) and Cornell University help you achieve your academic goals?

College of Architecture, Art, and Planning:

What is your “thing”? What energizes you or engages you so deeply that you lose track of time? Everyone has different passions, obsessions, quirks, inspirations. What are yours?

College of Arts and Sciences: 

Students in Arts and Sciences embrace the opportunity to delve into multifaceted academic interests, embodying in 21st century terms Ezra Cornell’s “any person…any study” founding vision. Tell us about the areas of study you are excited to explore, and specifically why you wish to pursue them in our College.

Cornell SC Johnson College of Business: 

What kind of a business student are you? The Cornell SC Johnson College of Business offers two distinct business programs, the Charles H. Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management and the School of Hotel Administration. Please describe how your interests and ambitions can be met through one or both of the Schools within the College.

College of Engineering: 

Tell us about what excites you most about Cornell Engineering and/or studying engineering at Cornell University. How do you see yourself becoming a part of the Cornell Engineering community?

College of Human Ecology: 

How has your decision to apply to the College of Human Ecology been influenced by your related experiences? How will your choice of major impact your goals and plans for the future?

School of Industrial and Labor Relations: 

Using your personal, academic, or volunteer/work experiences, describe the topics or issues that you care about and why they are important to you. Your response should show us that your interests align with the ILR School.

There is a breadth of intellectual opportunities here at Rice. Further explain your intended major and other areas of academic focus you may explore. 150 words

Tell us about something that really sparks your intellectual interest and curiosity and compels you to explore more in the program/area of study that you indicated. It could be an idea, book, project, cultural activity, work of art, start-up, music, movie, research, innovation, question, or other pursuit. 300 words


八選四(350 words
1. Describe an example of your leadership experience in which you have positively influenced others, helped resolve disputes or contributed to group efforts over time.

2. Every person has a creative side, and it can be expressed in many ways: problem solving, original and innovative thinking, and artistically, to name a few. Describe how you express your creative side.

3. What would you say is your greatest talent or skill? How have you developed and demonstrated that talent over time?

4. Describe how you have taken advantage of a significant educational opportunity or worked to overcome an educational barrier you have faced.

5. Describe the most significant challenge you have faced and the steps you have taken to overcome this challenge. How has this challenge affected your academic achievement?

6.Think about an academic subject that inspires you. Describe how you have furthered this interest inside and/or outside of the classroom.

7. What have you done to make your school or your community a better place?

8. Beyond what has already been shared in your application, what do you believe makes you stand out as a strong candidate for admissions to the University of California?


“Reflections” Category

Respond to one of the following.

1. Share about a time when you questioned something that you believed to be true.

2. If you could go back in time, what advice would you offer yourself at the beginning of secondary/high school?

3. Reflect on a personal experience where you intentionally expanded your cultural awareness.

“Tell us about you” Category

Respond to one of the following.

1. Which book, character, song, or piece of work (fiction or non-fiction) represents you, and why?

2. If you could witness a historic event first-hand, what would it be, and why?

3. Introduce yourself to your first-year Emory University roommate.

1.Indicate any special talents or skills you possess.250字內)
2.Briefly discuss the significance to you of the school or summer activity in which you have been most involved. 
3.As Georgetown is a diverse community, the Admissions Committee would like to know more about you in your own words. Please submit a brief essay, either personal or creative, which you feel best describes you. 
4.What does it mean to you to be educated? How might Georgetown College help you achieve this aim? 


Everyone belongs to many different communities and/or groups defined by (among other things) shared geography, religion, ethnicity, income, cuisine, interest, race, ideology, or intellectual heritage. 

Choose one of the communities to which you belong, and describe that community and your place within it. (300 words)

Describe the unique qualities that attract you to the specific undergraduate College or School (including preferred admission and dual degree programs) to which you are applying at the University of Michigan. How would that curriculum support your interests? (550 words)

1.List five books you have read that intrigued you.
2.Tell us how a work of fiction you’ve read has helped you to understand the world’s complexity.
300 words
3.What piques your intellectual curiosity, and why?
150 words
4.At Wake Forest, we gather our students in “Calls to Conversation,” congregating small groups around dinner tables in faculty’s and administrators’ homes to discuss topics organized around a theme, for example “arts for social change,” “gender in society,” and “leading a meaningful life.” If you could design a theme for a “Call to Conversation,” what would you choose, and why? 
150 words
5.We live in an age intensely interested in heroes. Professor Joseph Campbell defined “hero” as “someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself.” Describe a hero in public life and how and why, in your opinion, they meet Professor Campbell’s definition.
150 words


Line︰ https://lin.ee/WHyrhZW
Tel︰ (02) 2365-3288
官網︰ https://www.foremostedu.com
臉書︰ https://www.facebook.com/foremostedu.tw
頻道︰ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCK1VYWnJRUhoyWQ2Wid65fw
Map︰ https://goo.gl/maps/ouse7TF8XQ5thnaj8
ig︰      https://www.instagram.com/foremost.english/







#托福準備 #多益準備 #雅思準備多久 #雅思6.5 #雅思口說題庫 #多益課程 #多益補習班 #多益成績單怎麼看 #雅思課程 #雅思補習班 #雅思聽力技巧 #雅思準備多久 #托福課程 #托福補習班 #單字量測驗

美國TOP50大學2021年入學Essay總整理(1-14) #雅思課程介紹 #雅思基礎文法 #雅思口說題庫


Tel︰ (02) 2365-3288



美國大學, 美國大學申請, 申請美國大學資料, TOEFL, 托福, 托福備考, 托福資料, 托福考試技巧

Rather than asking you to write one long essay, the MIT application consists of several short response questions and essays designed to help us get to know you. Remember that this is not a writing test. Be honest, be open, be authentic—this is your opportunity to connect with us.

You should certainly be thoughtful about your essays, but if you’re thinking too much—spending a lot of time stressing or strategizing about what makes you “look best,” as opposed to the answers that are honest and easy—you’re doing it wrong.

Our questions

For the 2020–2021 application year, we’re asking these short answer essay questions:

We know you lead a busy life, full of activities, many of which are required of you. Tell us about something you do simply for the pleasure of it. (100 words or fewer)

Although you may not yet know what you want to major in, which department or program at MIT appeals to you and why? (100 words or fewer)


At MIT, we bring people together to better the lives of others. MIT students work to improve their communities in different ways, from tackling the world’s biggest challenges to being a good friend. Describe one way in which you have contributed to your community, whether in your family, the classroom, your neighborhood, etc. (200-250 words)

Describe the world you come from; for example, your family, clubs, school, community, city, or town. How has that world shaped your dreams and aspirations? (200-250 words)

Tell us about the most significant challenge you’ve faced or something important that didn’t go according to plan. How did you manage the situation? (200-250 words)

There is also one final, open-ended additional information text box, where you can tell us anything else you think we really ought to know.

美國大學, 美國大學申請, 申請美國大學資料, TOEFL, 托福, 托福備考, 托福資料, 托福考試技巧

Short Answer Questions Applicants submitting the Coalition Application, Common Application, or Quest Bridge Application will respond to the following short answer questions:
Students at Yale have plenty of time to explore their academic interests before committing to one or more major fields of study. Many students either modify their original academic direction or change their minds entirely. As of this moment, what academic areas seem to fit your interests or goals most comfortably? Please indicate up to three from the list provided. Why do these areas appeal to you? (125 words or fewer)

What is it about Yale that has led you to apply? (125 words or fewer)

Applicants applying with the Quest Bridge Application will complete the questions above via the Yale Quest Bridge Questionnaire, available on the Yale Admissions Status Portal after an application has been received.

Applicants submitting the Coalition Application or Common Application will also respond to the following short answer questions, in no more than 200 characters (approximately 35 words):

What inspires you? Yale’s residential colleges regularly host conversations with guests representing a wide range of experiences and accomplishments. What person, past or present, would you invite to speak? What question would you ask? You are teaching a Yale course. What is it called? Most first-year Yale students live in suites of four to six students. What do you hope to add to your suitemates’ experience? What do you hope they will add to yours?


Applicants submitting the Coalition Application or Common Application: use the two short essays (250 words or fewer) below to reflect on topics and personal experiences that will help the Admissions Committee learn more about you. 

1. Yale’s extensive course offerings and vibrant conversations beyond the classroom encourage students to follow their developing intellectual interests wherever they lead. Tell us about your engagement with a topic or idea that excites you. Why are you drawn to it?

2. Respond to one of the following prompts:2A. Reflect on your membership in a community. Why is your involvement important to you? How has it shaped you?  You may define community however you like.
2B. Yale students, faculty, and alumni engage issues of local, national, and international significance. Discuss an issue that is important to you and how your college experience could help you address it.
2C. Tell us about your relationship with a role model or mentor who has been influential in your life. How has their guidance been instrumental to your growth?

Applicants submitting the Coalition Application: In addition to responding to the prompts above, upload an audio file, video, image, or document you have created. The upload should complement your response to one of the prompts. Above your response, include a one-sentence description of your upload. Please limit uploads to the following file types: mp3, mov, jpeg, word, pdf. Advanced editing is not necessary. Uploads provided via the Coalition Application will be reviewed by the Admissions Office only. Review the supplementary material instructions for material that may be evaluated by Yale faculty. 

Engineering Essay

Applicants submitting the Coalition Application or Common Application who select one of Yale’s engineering majors will also respond to the prompt below in 250 words or fewer:

Please tell us more about what has led you to an interest in this field of study, what experiences (if any) you have had in engineering, and what it is about Yale’s engineering program that appeals to you.

How does the University of Chicago, as you know it now, satisfy your desire for a particular kind of learning, community, and future? Please address with some specificity your own wishes and how they relate to UChicago.


1.Who does Sally sell her seashells to? How much wood can a woodchuck really chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? Pick a favorite tongue twister (either originally in English or translated from another language) and consider a resolution to its conundrum using the method of your choice. Math, philosophy, linguistics… it’s all up to you (or your woodchuck).

2.What can actually be divided by zero?

3.The seven liberal arts in antiquity consisted of the Quadrivium — astronomy, mathematics, geometry, and music — and the Trivium — rhetoric, grammar, and logic. Describe your own take on the Quadrivium or the Trivium. What do you think is essential for everyone to know?

4.Subway maps, evolutionary trees, Lewis diagrams. Each of these schematics tells the relationships and stories of their component parts. Reimagine a map, diagram, or chart. If your work is largely or exclusively visual, please include a cartographer’s key of at least 300 words to help us best understand your creation.

5.”Do you feel lucky? Well, do ya, punk?” – Eleanor Roosevelt. Misattribute a famous quote and explore the implications of doing so.

6.Engineer George de Mestral got frustrated with burrs stuck to his dog’s fur and applied the same mechanic to create Velcro. Scientist Percy Lebaron Spencer found a melted chocolate bar in his magnetron lab and discovered microwave cooking. Dye-works owner Jean Baptiste Jolly found his tablecloth clean after a kerosene lamp was knocked over on it, consequently shaping the future of dry cleaning. Describe a creative or interesting solution, and then find the problem that it solves.

7.In the spirit of adventurous inquiry (and with the encouragement of one of our current students!) choose one of our past prompts (or create a question of your own). Be original, creative, thought provoking. Draw on your best qualities as a writer, thinker, visionary, social critic, sage, citizen of the world, or future citizen of the University of Chicago; take a little risk, and have fun!

Please share with us why you consider Duke a good match for you. Is there something in particular about Duke’s academic or other offerings that attract you?

1.Duke University seeks a talented, engaged student body that embodies the wide range of human experience; we believe that the diversity of our students makes our community stronger. If you’d like to share a perspective you bring or experiences you’ve had that would help us understand you better, perhaps a community you belong to or your family or cultural background, we encourage you to do so here. Real people are reading your application, and we want to do our best to understand and appreciate the real people applying to Duke.

2.Duke’s commitment to diversity and inclusion includes sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression. If you would like to share with us more about your identity, you can do so here, or use any previous essay prompt you feel is appropriate.

Successful students at Johns Hopkins make the biggest impact by collaborating with others, including peers, mentors, and professors. Talk about a time, in or outside the classroom, when you worked with others and what you learned from the experience.

1.Brown’s Open Curriculum allows students to explore broadly while also diving deeply into their academic pursuits. Tell us about an academic interest (or interests) that excites you, and how you might use the Open Curriculum to pursue it. (250 words)

2.At Brown, you will learn as much from your peers outside the classroom as in academic spaces. How will you contribute to the Brown community? (250 words)3.Tell us about a place or community you call home. How has it shaped your perspective? (250 words)


College of Agriculture and Life Sciences:

Why are you drawn to studying the major you have selected? 
Please discuss how your interests and related experiences have influenced your choice. Specifically, how will an education from the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (CALS) and Cornell University help you achieve your academic goals?

College of Architecture, Art, and Planning:

What is your “thing”? What energizes you or engages you so deeply that you lose track of time? Everyone has different passions, obsessions, quirks, inspirations. What are yours?

College of Arts and Sciences: 

Students in Arts and Sciences embrace the opportunity to delve into multifaceted academic interests, embodying in 21st century terms Ezra Cornell’s “any person…any study” founding vision. Tell us about the areas of study you are excited to explore, and specifically why you wish to pursue them in our College.

Cornell SC Johnson College of Business: 

What kind of a business student are you? The Cornell SC Johnson College of Business offers two distinct business programs, the Charles H. Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management and the School of Hotel Administration. Please describe how your interests and ambitions can be met through one or both of the Schools within the College.

College of Engineering: 

Tell us about what excites you most about Cornell Engineering and/or studying engineering at Cornell University. How do you see yourself becoming a part of the Cornell Engineering community?

College of Human Ecology: 

How has your decision to apply to the College of Human Ecology been influenced by your related experiences? How will your choice of major impact your goals and plans for the future?

School of Industrial and Labor Relations: 

Using your personal, academic, or volunteer/work experiences, describe the topics or issues that you care about and why they are important to you. Your response should show us that your interests align with the ILR School.

There is a breadth of intellectual opportunities here at Rice. Further explain your intended major and other areas of academic focus you may explore. 150 words

Tell us about something that really sparks your intellectual interest and curiosity and compels you to explore more in the program/area of study that you indicated. It could be an idea, book, project, cultural activity, work of art, start-up, music, movie, research, innovation, question, or other pursuit. 300 words


八選四(350 words
1. Describe an example of your leadership experience in which you have positively influenced others, helped resolve disputes or contributed to group efforts over time.

2. Every person has a creative side, and it can be expressed in many ways: problem solving, original and innovative thinking, and artistically, to name a few. Describe how you express your creative side.

3. What would you say is your greatest talent or skill? How have you developed and demonstrated that talent over time?

4. Describe how you have taken advantage of a significant educational opportunity or worked to overcome an educational barrier you have faced.

5. Describe the most significant challenge you have faced and the steps you have taken to overcome this challenge. How has this challenge affected your academic achievement?

6.Think about an academic subject that inspires you. Describe how you have furthered this interest inside and/or outside of the classroom.

7. What have you done to make your school or your community a better place?

8. Beyond what has already been shared in your application, what do you believe makes you stand out as a strong candidate for admissions to the University of California?


“Reflections” Category

Respond to one of the following.

1. Share about a time when you questioned something that you believed to be true.

2. If you could go back in time, what advice would you offer yourself at the beginning of secondary/high school?

3. Reflect on a personal experience where you intentionally expanded your cultural awareness.

“Tell us about you” Category

Respond to one of the following.

1. Which book, character, song, or piece of work (fiction or non-fiction) represents you, and why?

2. If you could witness a historic event first-hand, what would it be, and why?

3. Introduce yourself to your first-year Emory University roommate.

1.Indicate any special talents or skills you possess.250字內)
2.Briefly discuss the significance to you of the school or summer activity in which you have been most involved. 
3.As Georgetown is a diverse community, the Admissions Committee would like to know more about you in your own words. Please submit a brief essay, either personal or creative, which you feel best describes you. 
4.What does it mean to you to be educated? How might Georgetown College help you achieve this aim? 


Everyone belongs to many different communities and/or groups defined by (among other things) shared geography, religion, ethnicity, income, cuisine, interest, race, ideology, or intellectual heritage. 

Choose one of the communities to which you belong, and describe that community and your place within it. (300 words)

Describe the unique qualities that attract you to the specific undergraduate College or School (including preferred admission and dual degree programs) to which you are applying at the University of Michigan. How would that curriculum support your interests? (550 words)

1.List five books you have read that intrigued you.
2.Tell us how a work of fiction you’ve read has helped you to understand the world’s complexity.
300 words
3.What piques your intellectual curiosity, and why?
150 words
4.At Wake Forest, we gather our students in “Calls to Conversation,” congregating small groups around dinner tables in faculty’s and administrators’ homes to discuss topics organized around a theme, for example “arts for social change,” “gender in society,” and “leading a meaningful life.” If you could design a theme for a “Call to Conversation,” what would you choose, and why? 
150 words
5.We live in an age intensely interested in heroes. Professor Joseph Campbell defined “hero” as “someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself.” Describe a hero in public life and how and why, in your opinion, they meet Professor Campbell’s definition.
150 words


Line︰ https://lin.ee/WHyrhZW
Tel︰ (02) 2365-3288
官網︰ https://www.foremostedu.com
臉書︰ https://www.facebook.com/foremostedu.tw
頻道︰ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCK1VYWnJRUhoyWQ2Wid65fw
Map︰ https://goo.gl/maps/ouse7TF8XQ5thnaj8
ig︰      https://www.instagram.com/foremost.english/







#托福準備 #多益準備 #雅思準備多久 #雅思6.5 #雅思口說題庫 #多益課程 #多益補習班 #多益成績單怎麼看 #雅思課程 #雅思補習班 #雅思聽力技巧 #雅思準備多久 #托福課程 #托福補習班 #單字量測驗

萌萌細毛憶當年 又回到青春的甜蜜! 新莊接睫毛植睫毛上新妝說妳美美 妝點美麗 美麗又到位~小姐想要變的很萌很有精神,不得不佩服! 妝點美麗接睫毛的技術~讚歎
● 預約洽詢 0915-551807 LineID:pollynineteen
愛的鼓勵,讚一下咩! 喜歡的水水們~請幫忙分享喲^^
痞客邦: http://pollynineteen2.pixnet.net/blog

2019年12月01日托福真題 #福爾摩斯 #托福準備 #托福補習班


       1. 今天的托福考試雖然依舊是重覆舊題,但笑臉背後卻藏著殺招,比如閱讀測驗中「商周青銅器」,滿滿三大段肯定

托福, 托福測驗, TOEFL, 托福考試, 托福真題, 托福機經, 托福考古題

1. 商朝器皿

2. 農業影響群居生活

3. 爬行動物調節體溫

4. 鳥類在選取棲息地的考慮因素:首要條件是大環境,然後根據是否為季候性鳥類,會受到食物來源的影響

5. 游泳、飛行、走路,哪種消耗最多

6. 1316年歐洲的農業,不好的氣候循環導致一系列後果

7. 小行星帶

8. 捕食者和被捕食者,一種蜥蜴在敵人面前逃走時,會發出很大的聲音,探討原因

9. 日本與中國的單色畫

10. 荷蘭中產階級的藝術欣賞發展

11. 古埃及某地的發展

12. 寒武紀大爆發:地質年代是由重大地質事件和生物事件標記的,最近的一個事件標誌著寒武紀的開始。動物的起源相對處於地球歷史的晚期,在這個地質學週期中,所有現代動物群都進化了。這次快速的動物起源和分化被稱為“寒武紀大爆發”。

托福, 托福測驗, TOEFL, 托福考試, 托福真題, 托福機經, 托福考古題


1. 停車相關

2. 圖書館找書,但沒有找到

3. 履歷相關,教授建議他去這週以及三月份的記者招募會,並說有特別針對性的模擬面試


1. 納米材料

2. 黑鑽石

3. 巨石陣

4. 發出噪音的蜥蜴

5. 文藝復興時期的音樂創作

6. 保存繪畫不容易褪色的幾個方法

7. 華盛頓畫像,不同畫家不同風格,有一種把華盛頓畫成一般人,民眾很喜歡,代表了民主;而另一種把華盛頓畫成superhero,有古希臘宙斯的感覺,結果被嫌棄,

8. 漁業也可以讓某個社會發展

托福, 托福測驗, TOEFL, 托福考試, 托福真題, 托福機經, 托福考古題

Task 1

Agree or disagree

Should parents monitor their children’s access to social media? 父母應不應該控制孩子使用社交媒體?

Task 2 【聽力同意閱讀】



  1. 新宿舍樓層很多,學生需要排隊上高樓層,浪費很多時間,如果能分流就能解決問題
  2. 同意早到的同學幫晚到的同學,因為距離上課還有一段時間,如果有時間幫忙,還能認識新朋友

Task 3

temptation bundling,一種能夠激勵人們做不想做事情的方法,即使人們知道這件事情是有好處的。這種方法具體來說,是把喜歡做的事情和不喜歡做的事情結合在一起,這樣就會促進人們去做不喜歡的事情。有兩個例子:

  1. 教授不喜歡打掃房間,但是喜歡聽audio book,所以他邊打掃房間邊聽書,並且成了一個固定的行為
  2. 教授不喜歡運動,儘管運動是好事情,但因樓下的健身房能邊騎車邊看教授最喜歡的冒險電影,因此教授辦了會員並且每週都去騎單車。

Task 4


1. 再生能力(regrow),舉例一種grass根在土裡很深,被吃了上面的也沒事

2. 讓自己不好吃或者不能吃(taste bad/harm),舉例一種grass的新草長在舊的、腐爛的老草裡,動物就不會去吃。

托福, 托福測驗, TOEFL, 托福考試, 托福真題, 托福機經, 托福考古題

Independent Writing



Integrated Writing


  1. 可以漂浮運輸,更加方便
  2. 幫助保護魚類和其它生物,不會傷害生態圈
  3. 成本更低


  1. 運輸過程中,會有風吹不到的地方,還可能會發生碰撞
  2. 運輸時間比較長,iceberg會融化,裡面的鹽分會融入到水裡,傷害水中的生物,危害生態圈
  3. iceberg很重很大,運輸的時候需要用機器將它們分割成小塊,並不能節約成本

Line︰ https://lin.ee/WHyrhZW
Tel︰ (02) 2365-3288
官網︰ https://www.foremostedu.com
臉書︰ https://www.facebook.com/foremostedu.tw
頻道︰ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCK1VYWnJRUhoyWQ2Wid65fw
Map︰ https://goo.gl/maps/ouse7TF8XQ5thnaj8
ig︰      https://www.instagram.com/foremost.english/

#多益課程 #多益補習班 #多益成績單怎麼看 #雅思課程 #雅思補習班 #雅思聽力技巧 #雅思準備多久 #托福課程 #托福補習班 #單字量測驗

2019年12月01日托福真題 #福爾摩斯 #托福準備 #托福補習班


       1. 今天的托福考試雖然依舊是重覆舊題,但笑臉背後卻藏著殺招,比如閱讀測驗中「商周青銅器」,滿滿三大段肯定

托福, 托福測驗, TOEFL, 托福考試, 托福真題, 托福機經, 托福考古題

1. 商朝器皿

2. 農業影響群居生活

3. 爬行動物調節體溫

4. 鳥類在選取棲息地的考慮因素:首要條件是大環境,然後根據是否為季候性鳥類,會受到食物來源的影響

5. 游泳、飛行、走路,哪種消耗最多

6. 1316年歐洲的農業,不好的氣候循環導致一系列後果

7. 小行星帶

8. 捕食者和被捕食者,一種蜥蜴在敵人面前逃走時,會發出很大的聲音,探討原因

9. 日本與中國的單色畫

10. 荷蘭中產階級的藝術欣賞發展

11. 古埃及某地的發展

12. 寒武紀大爆發:地質年代是由重大地質事件和生物事件標記的,最近的一個事件標誌著寒武紀的開始。動物的起源相對處於地球歷史的晚期,在這個地質學週期中,所有現代動物群都進化了。這次快速的動物起源和分化被稱為“寒武紀大爆發”。

托福, 托福測驗, TOEFL, 托福考試, 托福真題, 托福機經, 托福考古題


1. 停車相關

2. 圖書館找書,但沒有找到

3. 履歷相關,教授建議他去這週以及三月份的記者招募會,並說有特別針對性的模擬面試


1. 納米材料

2. 黑鑽石

3. 巨石陣

4. 發出噪音的蜥蜴

5. 文藝復興時期的音樂創作

6. 保存繪畫不容易褪色的幾個方法

7. 華盛頓畫像,不同畫家不同風格,有一種把華盛頓畫成一般人,民眾很喜歡,代表了民主;而另一種把華盛頓畫成superhero,有古希臘宙斯的感覺,結果被嫌棄,

8. 漁業也可以讓某個社會發展

托福, 托福測驗, TOEFL, 托福考試, 托福真題, 托福機經, 托福考古題

Task 1

Agree or disagree

Should parents monitor their children’s access to social media? 父母應不應該控制孩子使用社交媒體?

Task 2 【聽力同意閱讀】



  1. 新宿舍樓層很多,學生需要排隊上高樓層,浪費很多時間,如果能分流就能解決問題
  2. 同意早到的同學幫晚到的同學,因為距離上課還有一段時間,如果有時間幫忙,還能認識新朋友

Task 3

temptation bundling,一種能夠激勵人們做不想做事情的方法,即使人們知道這件事情是有好處的。這種方法具體來說,是把喜歡做的事情和不喜歡做的事情結合在一起,這樣就會促進人們去做不喜歡的事情。有兩個例子:

  1. 教授不喜歡打掃房間,但是喜歡聽audio book,所以他邊打掃房間邊聽書,並且成了一個固定的行為
  2. 教授不喜歡運動,儘管運動是好事情,但因樓下的健身房能邊騎車邊看教授最喜歡的冒險電影,因此教授辦了會員並且每週都去騎單車。

Task 4


1. 再生能力(regrow),舉例一種grass根在土裡很深,被吃了上面的也沒事

2. 讓自己不好吃或者不能吃(taste bad/harm),舉例一種grass的新草長在舊的、腐爛的老草裡,動物就不會去吃。

托福, 托福測驗, TOEFL, 托福考試, 托福真題, 托福機經, 托福考古題

Independent Writing



Integrated Writing


  1. 可以漂浮運輸,更加方便
  2. 幫助保護魚類和其它生物,不會傷害生態圈
  3. 成本更低


  1. 運輸過程中,會有風吹不到的地方,還可能會發生碰撞
  2. 運輸時間比較長,iceberg會融化,裡面的鹽分會融入到水裡,傷害水中的生物,危害生態圈
  3. iceberg很重很大,運輸的時候需要用機器將它們分割成小塊,並不能節約成本

Line︰ https://lin.ee/WHyrhZW
Tel︰ (02) 2365-3288
官網︰ https://www.foremostedu.com
臉書︰ https://www.facebook.com/foremostedu.tw
頻道︰ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCK1VYWnJRUhoyWQ2Wid65fw
Map︰ https://goo.gl/maps/ouse7TF8XQ5thnaj8
ig︰      https://www.instagram.com/foremost.english/

#多益課程 #多益補習班 #多益成績單怎麼看 #雅思課程 #雅思補習班 #雅思聽力技巧 #雅思準備多久 #托福課程 #托福補習班 #單字量測驗

萌萌細毛憶當年 又回到青春的甜蜜! 新莊接睫毛植睫毛上新妝說妳美美 妝點美麗 美麗又到位~小姐想要變的很萌很有精神,不得不佩服! 妝點美麗接睫毛的技術~讚歎
● 預約洽詢 0915-551807 LineID:pollynineteen
愛的鼓勵,讚一下咩! 喜歡的水水們~請幫忙分享喲^^
痞客邦: http://pollynineteen2.pixnet.net/blog

研究上百案例:準備托福的過程都存在這些問題!歡迎對號入座 #托福課程 #托福補習班 #托福聽力技巧 #托福準備多久







先文後題 vs 先題後文



【應對方案】泛讀文章,瞭解大概 → 讀題 → 細讀文章答題


2. 精讀 vs 泛讀

估計很多人都知道這個問題,但一直沒去重視,也有不少人只有擇一在練習,而實際上這兩種方式對於托福閱讀準備都是有幫助,作用是「精讀 > 泛讀」。




3. 長難句不都難




2. 在一個標點分割的部分中如果有主詞、動詞、受詞,萬事俱備,就順著再往下看,其餘的部分也應該是主詞、動詞、受詞都有的。

3. 如果標點分割的部分主詞、動詞、受詞有缺,順著往下看,應該能把缺掉的部分補回來。

4. 如果標點分割部分主詞、動詞、受詞不全,且順著往下看,沒有找到其餘的東西,那麼這個標點分割的部分應該是插入語。


泛聽 vs 精聽







2. 記筆記









1. conversation段落開頭提到的原因必考(開頭30秒)—problem/question結尾的建議必考(尾巴題)

2. 段落開頭提到的本次主題必考:Today……;段落結尾的總結必考

3. 段落中重複兩次的地方必考:通常為本節課的重點師生各重覆一次的地方必考,注意在筆記中劃雙線;重覆兩次的名詞必考,一般重覆的名詞是AB項的替換詞;

4. 段落中的強調句型,多引出分論點

This is the first time…

One thing important is…

The most important thing…

You should remember/notice/bear in mind/keep in mind


1. “開口”= 跪




引出:When i……

I could……

In this way……




莫急!獨立口說可以參考Task 3的材料做累積,實在不行就硬扯吧!只要表達清晰,觀點明確、語言豐富就行!千萬不要情急之下,飆出髒話就好……


1. 可以用模版嗎?


2. 沒東西可以舉例?


3. 寫作字數?


4. 中間段落是應該3段還是2段?



Line︰ https://lin.ee/WHyrhZW
Tel︰ (02) 2365-3288
官網︰ https://www.foremostedu.com
臉書︰ https://www.facebook.com/foremostedu.tw
頻道︰ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCK1VYWnJRUhoyWQ2Wid65fw
Map︰ https://goo.gl/maps/ouse7TF8XQ5thnaj8
ig︰      https://www.instagram.com/foremost.english/

#托福準備 #多益準備 #雅思準備多久 #雅思6.5 #雅思口說題庫 #多益課程 #多益補習班 #多益成績單怎麼看 #雅思課程 #雅思補習班 #雅思聽力技巧 #雅思準備多久 #托福課程 #托福補習班 #單字量測驗

萌萌細毛憶當年 又回到青春的甜蜜! 新莊接睫毛植睫毛上新妝說妳美美 妝點美麗 美麗又到位~小姐想要變的很萌很有精神,不得不佩服! 妝點美麗接睫毛的技術~讚歎
● 預約洽詢 0915-551807 LineID:pollynineteen
愛的鼓勵,讚一下咩! 喜歡的水水們~請幫忙分享喲^^
痞客邦: http://pollynineteen2.pixnet.net/blog

研究上百案例:準備托福的過程都存在這些問題!歡迎對號入座 #托福課程 #托福補習班 #托福聽力技巧 #托福準備多久







先文後題 vs 先題後文



【應對方案】泛讀文章,瞭解大概 → 讀題 → 細讀文章答題


2. 精讀 vs 泛讀

估計很多人都知道這個問題,但一直沒去重視,也有不少人只有擇一在練習,而實際上這兩種方式對於托福閱讀準備都是有幫助,作用是「精讀 > 泛讀」。




3. 長難句不都難




2. 在一個標點分割的部分中如果有主詞、動詞、受詞,萬事俱備,就順著再往下看,其餘的部分也應該是主詞、動詞、受詞都有的。

3. 如果標點分割的部分主詞、動詞、受詞有缺,順著往下看,應該能把缺掉的部分補回來。

4. 如果標點分割部分主詞、動詞、受詞不全,且順著往下看,沒有找到其餘的東西,那麼這個標點分割的部分應該是插入語。


泛聽 vs 精聽







2. 記筆記









1. conversation段落開頭提到的原因必考(開頭30秒)—problem/question結尾的建議必考(尾巴題)

2. 段落開頭提到的本次主題必考:Today……;段落結尾的總結必考

3. 段落中重複兩次的地方必考:通常為本節課的重點師生各重覆一次的地方必考,注意在筆記中劃雙線;重覆兩次的名詞必考,一般重覆的名詞是AB項的替換詞;

4. 段落中的強調句型,多引出分論點

This is the first time…

One thing important is…

The most important thing…

You should remember/notice/bear in mind/keep in mind


1. “開口”= 跪




引出:When i……

I could……

In this way……




莫急!獨立口說可以參考Task 3的材料做累積,實在不行就硬扯吧!只要表達清晰,觀點明確、語言豐富就行!千萬不要情急之下,飆出髒話就好……


1. 可以用模版嗎?


2. 沒東西可以舉例?


3. 寫作字數?


4. 中間段落是應該3段還是2段?



Line︰ https://lin.ee/WHyrhZW
Tel︰ (02) 2365-3288
官網︰ https://www.foremostedu.com
臉書︰ https://www.facebook.com/foremostedu.tw
頻道︰ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCK1VYWnJRUhoyWQ2Wid65fw
Map︰ https://goo.gl/maps/ouse7TF8XQ5thnaj8
ig︰      https://www.instagram.com/foremost.english/

#托福準備 #多益準備 #雅思準備多久 #雅思6.5 #雅思口說題庫 #多益課程 #多益補習班 #多益成績單怎麼看 #雅思課程 #雅思補習班 #雅思聽力技巧 #雅思準備多久 #托福課程 #托福補習班 #單字量測驗

托福八月改制後,寫作最喜歡考這個 #托福準備多久 #托福補習班 #托福聽力技巧








托福, 托福測驗, TOEFL, 托福考試, 托福寫作, TOEFL writing





  1. 從【學生】角度:是否有利於學習新知識?是否有利於培養某項新技能?是否能激發某種興趣愛好?等。總之,學生在學習上要有所收穫。
  2. 從【老師】角度:是否能幫助學生學習專業知識?是否能提升老師的教學品質?是否有違背教育初衷或涉及道德的討論?
  3. 從【學校】角度:是否能幫助學校招收更多更好的學生?是否提升了硬體設備環境?是否有利於教學管理?
  4. 從【社會】角度:是否有利於社會穩定和進步?是否促進經濟、文化、政治等發展?




托福, 托福測驗, TOEFL, 托福考試, 托福寫作, TOEFL writing



就題型而言,整合型寫作如果沒有意外的話,幾乎都是「聽力反駁閱讀」。為什麼說「沒有意外的話」呢?因為2019年10月19日就發生了 “意外”!聽力沒有反駁閱讀的觀點,而是為閱讀提供了解決方案。詳情請戳我:
托福, 托福測驗, TOEFL, 托福考試, 托福真題, 托福考試技巧, 準備托福




 1. 用詳細真實的事件作舉例


     總之,感覺快寫 (ㄅㄞ)不下去的時候,就試試舉例子,很有可能打開新思路。不過值得注意的是一些似是而非、非真實的

2. 對比



3. 換個表達方式,重覆描述





Line︰ https://lin.ee/WHyrhZW
Tel︰ (02) 2365-3288
官網︰ https://www.foremostedu.com
臉書︰ https://www.facebook.com/foremostedu.tw
頻道︰ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCK1VYWnJRUhoyWQ2Wid65fw
Map︰ https://goo.gl/maps/ouse7TF8XQ5thnaj8
ig︰      https://www.instagram.com/foremost.english/










#多益課程 #多益補習班 #多益成績單怎麼看 #雅思課程 #雅思補習班 #雅思聽力技巧 #雅思準備多久 #托福課程 #托福補習班 #單字量測驗