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#泰國佛牌 #泰國必打佛牌 #蝶王名師 #蝶王 #古巴吉士納自身 #古巴吉士納 #古巴吉士納必打 #必打佛牌 #袈裟入料 #附原廟盒 #佛曆2554年 #鍍金殻 #實物拍攝非樣品
#大悲咒 八十八句 上悟下明長老恭誦 海明禪寺 悟明長老(觀音老人)
在這裡以滾滾思緒和悲傷的心情向您發出這封信,我們生活在這美麗而日漸脆弱的地球上,但現在… 這片原本藍色發著光芒的地球,正承受前所未有的巨大壓力。因少數自私的人發動的戰爭,致使成千上萬的人帶來了痛苦與更深的仇恨,和地球暖化所帶來的災難,對我們所有人來說都是無情的警醒。
衷心的感謝您有一顆 觀世音 的心。
Dear esteemed leaders,
With overwhelming emotions and a heavy heart, I pen this letter to you. We live on this beautiful yet increasingly fragile Earth, but now… this once radiant blue planet is facing unprecedented pressures. Wars ignited by a few selfish individuals have brought immense suffering and deeper animosity, while the calamities of global warming show no mercy, affecting us all.
In times of war, we treat lives as mere pawns, forgetting that it is an unwinnable game. The scars of war, with its pain and tears, linger in the hearts of people. Let us harbor deep remorse and regret, collectively deciding to end wars and seek peaceful resolutions to our differences. May we employ “compassion” and “selflessness” as our wisdom to resolve conflicts, allowing the light of peace to forever illuminate our world.
However, war is only one of the challenges we face. Global warming increasingly threatens our home, causing countless innocent lives to perish and disrupting the delicate balance of nature. This is not merely a matter of science but a test of our morality and ethics. “All things arise from the mind; mind is their chief and precedes them all.” We are part of this world, and our actions impact all living beings.
Let us join forces to transform differences into cooperation and competition into mutual success. Let us genuinely reflect on our lifestyles and consumption patterns, evaluating if they harm the Earth. With a heart of love and protection for nature, let us choose the path of sustainable development, starting from the individual level and influencing our nations and the world.
We may encounter challenges and suffering, but let us deeply comprehend: “With insight into liberation, there is the living of the holy life, fulfilled and purified.” This means that even in the face of immense difficulties, when we hold the perspectiveof liberation and wisdom,
#世界和平 #天佑台灣 #和平 #停止戰爭 #祥和 #以和為貴